Radio is the “core business” of Sierra Automated Systems. Since 1988, radio broadcasters have relied upon Sierra Automated Systems for mission-critical routing. And now, SAS radio broadcast control surfaces set the standard and are used to drive many of the country’s leading radio facilities.
For years, Sierra Automated Systems was known as "the router company." When the 32KD Digital Audio Network Router/Mixer was introduced, the path was laid to provide complete radio solutions. Sierra Automated Systems spent hundreds of hours meeting with clients—networks, major market and smaller stations, traffic and news providers—to engineer the digital future.
The result was Rubicon which established SAS as the industry's most user-friendly yet powerful integrated system of console surfaces, routing, intercom, and control.
The Sierra Automated Systems family of consoles continues to evolve as the Rubicon console family expands. SAS now offers 4 console types with the features and capabilities all derived from field experience of the users, those "wouldn't it be nice if... " comments that turn themselves into reality.
Learn more about the SAS family of consoles here...
In this white paper you’ll learn who’s using SAS! Learn about the design philosophies, strengths and features of SAS products. Learn which console model fits your needs – Includes Selection Chart

Five major market AMs and FMs consolidate into one brand-new
all-digital all-Sierra Automated Systems plant...